Fine Jewellery, Watches, Silver & Coins 12 July 2023 at 12pm

73 THE BASICS Breaking Down The Four C’s: When selecting a diamond engagement ring, the best place to star t is with the basics:The Four C’s. The Four C’s - famous in the jewellery world- cover the basics of a diamond’s appearance. 1. Clarity: Refers to the amount of inclusions, or internal flaws, that a diamond has.The majority of diamonds have inclusions and the terminology begins with ‘Flawless’ and ends with ‘Included’. (Best is ‘Flawless’, follows through to ‘Internally Flawless’, ‘Very Very Slightly Included’, ‘Very Slightly Included’, ‘Slightly Included’, and finally ‘Included’. Most inclusions are not visible to the naked eye). 2. Colour: Graded using the alphabet, star ting with ‘D’ which is absolutely colourless and goes all the way to Z, when the stones are visibly yellow or grey. (D, E, F are all considered colourless, after that G, H, I are near colourless, and after this J, K, etc are drawing slight colour). 3. Cut: Implies both its shape (including it’s propor tions and symmetry) and the brilliance of the stone (what makes it sparkle!).This is the most impor tant factor of any diamond. 4. Carat: Refers to the size of the diamond (1 carat is equal to .200g in weight- the same no matter the shape of the stone). SPOILT FOR CHOICE Diamond Cuts to Choose from for your engagement ring: ROUND EMERALD ASSCHER MARQUISE PRINCESS OVAL PEAR HEART CUSHION RADIANT DIAMOND BUYING INFORMATION GUIDE LIVE AUCTION OF FINE JEWELLERY, WATCHES, SILVER & COINS • WEDNESDAY, 12th JULY 2023 AT 12PM